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Child Development Centre

(After School Program)


A major contributing factor to reduced learning capabilities in children is directly impacted by health and nutrition.  The LYNY after-school program will help the children with both their education and wellness. Providing an evening meal is a great incentive to bring children back to school and be nutritionally healthier.


LYNY is nurturing underprivileged children to help them to achieve their purpose with excellence. 


At present we have 30 children and we aimed to have 100 children in coming days. 


What they will receive: 

  • One nutritious meal everyday

  • Classes and covered tuition expense everyday

  • Spiritually growth

  • New clothes, hygiene, and educational materials

  • Art and sports training

  • Regular health checkups 


Example: Three children from the slum attend this program.  Their parents are illiterate and unskilled daily labourers. They very rarely get work and struggle to provide food (not at all nutritious) at least two times at home.  Recently the father became sick, and it became challenging for the mother to look after the family.  This project is helping the family by reducing the risk.  In addition to providing nutritious meals at the school, we are giving groceries sufficient for another meal to the family.


Through our LYNY Community Development Center, we have been transforming the children and community. Our kids improved much in health, dress, manners, and education. All of our kids attend school.  We desire them to be healthy and confident to remove any stigma or oppression. We want them to grow to be role models by achieving success in every aspect of their lives.


To support a child, it costs Rs.1000 monthly ($15 monthly and $150 annually). 


Note: See our campaign to finish building a community kitchen.



We greatly appreciate your heart in supporting our work. 

To make a financial contribution, please write to us at

New Kitchen & Soup Kitchen

We are in the process of making a community kitchen for the children, where we can prepare fresh cooked meals to hundreds of children. It costs Rs.50 Lakhs ($60000)

LYNY India Community Kitchen 2
LYNY India Community Kitchen 1
After school program
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