About the Founder
Denny V Isaac is the founder for Lyny Society.
Lyny means “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” and was founded in 2007 as a registered non-profit organization in India working for the poor and needy.
Denny studied B.Sc.,B.Ed. Earlier in his career he was a teacher and worked as Medical Transcriptionist for few years. Denny married his lovely wife, Beulah in 2008; and, they share the same heart and vision to serve the needy. They are blessed with two sons.
Note from Denny:
"My passion and dream are to serve the poor and needy. LYNY is helping the orphan, slum children, serving widowed, old aged and providing assistance to the poor and needy.
Education costs are expensive; so, LYNY started a school in 2008 to help educate orphan, poor and slum children. The school provides quality education for children. Thankfully the students are all doing well in their studies. There are presently eight teachers working in the school and 120 students attending for a 1:15 teacher-student ratio. We are giving free education to the children from the slums. God willing, we would like to also provide one meal per day to all these children.
Thank you for your prayers of love and faith, for your encouragement, friendship, and partnership."
- Denny Isaac